github is wonderful


you heard that right,
something owned by microsoft is wonderful
vscode is also really good i'm literally using it as i'm typing this

i like being able to use my own code editor and publish the code to the world
this very website is being hosted using (with github)
i did host this website with github pages at one point, but i didn't like the domain. no.

back then, i was using other hosts, such as neocities.

don't get me wrong, neocities is good, and they have a very creative community
but i just found it... limiting to me.
the comment box i used wasn't working when i was hosting my old website on neocities

i also used to have on my website, which didn't work either.

yes, there are alternatives like nekoweb which has none of those limits, but apparently it has 500mb of space. i will upload files here that might be bigger than that

so github pages was my next best thing!
and boy was it nice. it really was like "your own." no limits, and the storage limit is almost infinity.

after a while, i switched to, which still used github.
i'm pretty sure is owned by cloudflare, or something along the lines of that
(i can't rememeber)

and now i have ddos protection. i think

anyway, if you want to host your own website, and you don't care about the limits, go for neocities/nekoweb. they're very nice services and easy to use
if you want no limits at all, go for github pages.

oh wow this is my first long post ever that's crazy