
hey bro, can you not cover everything?



link me!

go ahead and hotlink
(if this website doesn't die)

taxevaiden's website
<a href=""><img src="" alt="taxevaiden's website"></a>

what's the important stuff that's happening yo?

nothing's happening :pensive:


welcome to my web. usually i just post to my blog or put pointless new stuff on this website.

why did i make this?

  • I wanted to
  • I'm somewhat good at coding
  • I don't know


  • this website was made with a 1920x1080 screen using arc (chromium) as the browser
  • enable javascript. it's not required, but if you want things like changing things i recommend you enable javascript
  • you should try refreshing without cache often (ctrl+shift+r) to see the "pointless new stuff" on this website.
  • this website is not mobile friendly. at all. it's not designed for it yet and i plan to work on other things other than mobile support for this website. you can probably just use a tablet for now.
  • adding onto that, this website is intended to be viewed on windows.




changed the scrollbar to be like the website,, looks

  • scrollbar (at least on chrome) looks better
  • redesigned website A LITTLE BIT
  • fixed some formatting issues

MORE ToC format changes



  • changed ToC format a little to be more like the navigation section
  • reworked the way the ToC is formatted
  • changed test post (the first post) for testing
  • revised the new year post a little

ToC format fix


uh,, just needed to fix one thing

  • fixed and changed formatting
  • now, when there are multiple subheadings the tree visual will appear correctly

small layout changes, and table of contents


added a cool new feature to the blog, and also had to change the layout a little bit

  • added new table of contents to the blog. you'll see it when you view a post
  • widened the layout since the ToC took up too much space :(
  • changed format of the blog page
  • changed format of the twtxt feed to keep the format consistent
  • upgraded astro, (again)



i'm gonna try moving away from bluesky/twiter and use twtxt! it's pretty cool..

  • removed bluesky and twitter links, added discord and twtxt links
  • site may be slow? idk i'm using servver islands
  • removed comments. at least i tried

powerpoint presentation


added A LOT of things so i'll just tell you :)

  • new view transitions. they look like crappy powerpoint presentations (as intended)
  • changed formatting to make everything have the same text size
  • organized a lot of things
  • upgraded to astro 5! (idrc what the differences are LOL)

mmm..... mocha....


new theme added

  • catppuccin mocha! i just decided to add it idk,,,,
  • that's it

themes + MORE visual changes



  • themes are now on the site! i didn't use a custom class for the dropdown like i did on the old so it should worker somewhat more properly. my code is #flawless
  • the themes so far are the default, dark mode (Where the fuck is dark mode), matcha, and DurpyDoo (friend requested :3) more themes to come!
  • made actual dithering pattern things for use on this website
  • idk if you noticed but there's like flickering when you scroll, i fixed that
  • cooler background

visual changes


yuh i did changes in a day (i need something to do)

  • changed background, it's now like bitmap stuff how should i describe
  • minor changes that are too detailed to describe
  • changed initial changelog to a day before today (ordering, duh)

new changelog! + minor changes,,


(actual date was 2024-11-15 haha) new shiny new changelog. this will be used to know what uh, changes happened. some other changes are:

  • made adding stuff to the socials tab and navigation tab WAY easier for me at least, you won't tell the difference
  • i also made the navigation bar have some sublinks, you can check them out
  • new footer at the bottom!
  • added one site button, and a new button section (these are not sites)
  • new blog rss! view it with the navigation bar
  • for more info view the repo because i am too lazy ok ty :)


Q: what did you use to make this website?
A: i used cloudflare pages to host, astro to make the website, vscode to code the website, and procreate for the cool arts (i feel like i'm missing out for not using ibisPaint X,,)

Q: what happened to the old website?
A: the old website's code was terrible. i hated managing it. ok that's all

Q: why couldn't you host stuff like this on neocities or nekoweb?
A: cloudflare gave me a lot more control, i can do ANything

Q: why doesn't this website have stuff that the old one had yet?
A: this website is still a WIP. i'm still working on stuff!!

Q: are you ever adding comments?
A: maybe, maybe not. the service i used for comments was uhh,, weird i guess. it was good but oh my god i HATED THAT WATERMARK.... i had to pay to get rid of that i'm POOR

| est. june 9, 2024 :: © 2025 taxevaiden :: powered by astro, github, cloudflare, and with love :3 |